Sunday, January 9, 2011

bye bye bottle

So we started weaning Alaise off of her bottles today.  Pediatrician told me last Friday (along with 4 shots and a finger prick...  "Boo", in Kris' words) that I need to start doing that, since they get very resistant to weaning after 15 months.  I haven't been too worried about the bottles & pacis till now, as she drinks her water from a straw sippy cups already, and she only uses her paci in her crib when she sleeps.  She's been taking her whole milk in her bottles still.

I started giving her her milk in her straw cup today...  She makes weird face at it once she tastes it - like "Mm, what happened?  This isn't water..."  And she didn't drink as much milk as she would normally.  Tonight she was very fussy going down, which is very unusual, and I wondered if it's because she didn't get her bottle.

I think I am more sad about this weaning.  I feel like this is the last of her babyhood...  Like once she doesn't take her bottles anymore, she really isn't my little baby anymore.  She'll officially be a toddler.  It's really really sad.  I didn't feel this way when I quit breastfeeding, maybe because I hated breastfeeding so much.  But the bottles...  They allow me to cuddle with my girl, (who never ever wants to cuddle) even just for a little, while she contently sucks on the them.  They allow her to be my baby.  Sippy cups just aren't the same.

But I guess motherhood is about letting go sometimes.  It's hard, but I've gotta learn it somehow...


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